Nearly half of all businesses in India will be using RPA by 2024, according to the results of a new study. The research, conducted by IDC and commissioned by RPA technology provider Automation Anywhere, cited the Covid-19 pandemic as a key driver motivating many enterprises in India to accelerate their investment in the automation technology.
According to Building Business Resiliency: Automation the Path to the Future Enterprise, the experiences of the past year have cemented four pillars that should guide enterprises as they navigate the near term: resiliency, efficiency and scalability, democratizing work, and trust. Each, the report notes, can use automation as a multiplier.
“The pandemic is a stark reminder of the critical importance of being prepared for any future calamity or uncertainty,” said Milan Sheth, executive vice president of IMEA for Automation Anywhere. “Automation is at the core of any business transformation strategy.”
The report found 57 percent of Indian executives polled said they planned on investing in RPA to build resilience and that 66 percent think the expansion of remote work will be permanent.
Rishu Sharma, principal analyst for Cloud & AI at IDC India said: “As the nature of jobs and work changes after the pandemic, digital workers will add value beyond ROI to help organizations develop new capabilities and business models. Automation will become a business imperative for driving innovation, customer centricity, and gaining efficiencies.”