• July 27, 2024

Robotic process automation is proving itself in a huge array of business verticals. Human Resources organizations can benefit just as significantly as financial services, government or others, according to new research from the Hackett Group.

According to the report, a typical HR organization can experience annual cost savings of up to 17 percent and reduce staff hours by 26 percent by adopting RPA and other “smart automation” approaches.

The Miami-based consultancy distinguishes between typical HR organizations and world-class HR organizations, noting the world-class companies have access to advanced operating models, comprehensive technology and digital transformation. Such organizations operate at 20 percent lower cost with 31 percent fewer employees than typical organizations. RPA, however, levels the playing field, the report said.

“Smart automation offers a very achievable path to performance improvement for HR today, particularly for HR organizations that have not already fully optimized their HCM environment,” said Harry Osle, principal in charge and global human resources practice leader for the Hackett Group. “At typical HR organizations, the majority of the people and budget go to administrative and transactional work. Smart automation can help address this, by streamlining and automating inefficient, fragmented processes, so that staff can be redirected to higher-value activities. HR organizations that do not take advantage of what smart automation offers will be stuck delivering services in a very traditional way which is likely to increase costs and underwhelm its customers.”