• December 18, 2024

Results of a new survey indicate that artificial intelligence and machine learning are a key component of digital decisioning, but questions remain about the challenges organizations face trying to implement these technologies. The Forrester study, commissioned by InRule Technology, found that 60 percent of executives currently consider AI/ML decisioning applications “very important” or “critical” to success. That number grows to 95 percent when asked to consider the next three years.

While RPA is becoming common, nearly two thirds of respondents said technological, organizational and/or operational problems are barriers to scale. More than 60 percent of those polled agreed that the scope of their decision process is too large, “model drift” is a problem and digital decisioning is too complex.

“AI is quickly becoming must-have decision intelligence technology,” the report’s authors wrote. “However, it is not flawless because of false positives/false negatives, data quality issues, and a too narrow scope on a singular prediction. Platforms that include no-code human decision logic and process automation tools alongside ML can take advantage of the best of both to govern, enhance, and add nuance to AI-based decisions.”

Download a copy of the report here.