• March 16, 2025

A trade association that advocates for the modernization of IT in the federal government has released a set of recommendations for the incoming Presidential administration and Congress that notes the importance of paving the way for technologies like RPA.

The Alliance for Digital Innovation (ADI) this week released a report detailing recommendations—many based on learnings from the past year that required a quick pivot by government agencies to remote work. While the report noted progress that has been made in the last year, efforts must continue to support advanced technologies and their use in the federal government.

“Enhanced use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotic process automation, and other cutting-edge capabilities can spur innovation and improve service delivery outcomes within and across agencies,” ADI said in the report. “Both government and industry have identified numerous examples where new capabilities or innovative IT services have enabled agencies to function more effectively and improve the delivery of digital services to citizens. Now is the time to develop and support a comprehensive plan to scale those solutions, fund them appropriately, and maximize the impact of these critical investments.”

While the past year saw automation become a priority for the federal government with the publication of the first “RPA Playbook,” one key area where government could improve, according to the report, is identifying where technologies could be applied across the entire organization rather than individual agencies.