• March 12, 2025

Reveille Software recently partnered with Hyland and Kofax to provide users of their respective RPA platforms with enhanced monitoring capability. The Atlanta-area provider of monitoring solutions for enterprise content management systems said its software will enable users to manage robots as their programs reach scale, to measure the performance of the platforms and to initiate recovery actions when the situation demands it.

“RPA solutions touch business-critical applications for structured data extraction and now ECM systems for digital asset unstructured data extraction,” said Brian DeWyer, CTO of Reveille Software. “With this new functionality, users can now scale and operate RPA platforms confidently while having a holistic view of the full content management environment.”

The company said its single RPA content management dashboard can replace several third-party providers for RPA users “by displaying suspicious administration transactions and ensuring RPA target applications are available and responsive before robot execution.” According to Reveille, its solution integrates with SIEMS (Splunk, Azure Sentinel), incident management (ServiceNow), notification (PagerDuty), AIOps (Big Panda), and collaboration tools such as Slack and Microsoft Teams.