• March 12, 2025

RPA pilots in various verticals continue to produce optimistic results for companies searching for ways to be more efficient in the face of a tech talent shortage. Health care, and its heavy reliance on processes and data, was identified early as an area where RPA could be a positive force. There are numerous processes within all kinds of heal care-related businesses where RPA has been tested.

One recently reported U.K. pilot, however, was conducted in an area that has not been examined before as suitable for RPA. A hospital in Wales used the technology in the review and clinical validation of prescriptions.

Reuben Morgan, medicine homecare team lead at Moriston Hospital, said that, to his knowledge, its use in prescription checking is “ground-breaking and has never been attempted previously. The pilot was purely to scope the art of the possible, and could only truly be adopted with the advent of e-prescribing.”