Intelligent automation technology provider ABBYY has named Tomohito Shimizu as its country manager for Japan. The company, based in Miltpitas, Calif., cites IDC research that outlines the importance of the Asia-Pacific region, in general, and Japan specifically. The report notes the intelligent process automation market in the region will be worth $5.5 billion by 2025.
ABBYY says it will leverage Shimizu’s experience as an executive in the country to take advantage of the growth opportunities, specifically using AI for optical character recognition and process mining.
“We see massive potential in the combination of our process improvement and intelligent document processing solutions to help businesses accelerate their digital transformation goals and improve the customer experience,” Shimizu said announcing his appointment. “I look forward to heading the Japanese team and together expanding ABBYY’s presence in this region by acquiring new customers, rebuilding trusted relationships with our partners and maximizing the satisfaction of existing clients.”